

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Agonopterix heracliana or ciliella ?

Tried the moth trap last night - dry, light wind and a min temperature of 6C - but only two moths. A very nice Hebrew Character and an Agopterix sp. I have this problem every year - is this A. heracliana or A. ciliella ? I have attached a photo taken through the specimen pot of the underside but I'm still not sure about the lines on the cilia ...

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Creigiau last night

Two moths in the bottom of the trap last night - Chestnut and Dotted Border,

At least they used the box, the Pale Brindled Beauty on Saturday night ignored the trap and sat on the fence.

Epiphyas postvittana in Swansea

I noticed a male Light Brown Apple Moth on a shop window this morning - a bit of a surprise as I don't normally see them in my Cardiff garden until the end of March.

Parc Slip

Finally had a couple of moths in and around the trap last night - the first ones since early December (though the weather has put me off even trying for much of that time). 2 chestnuts, and singles of early moth and dotted border so nothing particularly exciting but nice to get moths of any sort...

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Red Admiral on Garth Hill

My first butterfly of the year - a Red Admiral basking in the warm sunshine on the Garth this morning.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

My First Moth

It's not that often you come across adult noctuids in natural resting sites in summer, never mind the winter, so this Grey Shoulder-knot was a good spot by Sandra at Oxwich today. I'm not sure it's the best choice of hibernation sites, but it's clearly worked so far. Brucie bonus - new for SS48.