

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Rhoose Point

Lots of moths last night, 16 species in total. New for me were: This micro, no idea what it is. If anyone can help based on the photo, would be pleased to hear. It was about 8mm long.

I think this is a Nutmeg?

Agonopterix ocellana

Pebble Prominent

And finally I think this is a Knot Grass (or possibly a Poplar Grey!)


  1. Cydia ulicetana. The previous earliest Nutmeg record for the count is the 5th May, so that's another early emerger!

  2. Thanks for looking at the micro for me Barry, much appreciated. Would be interesting to know why some moths are emerging so early this year. Possibly the unseasonal warm weather we've been having? I guess there is a possibility some will be out before their food plants?

  3. The bottom moth is a Knotgrass Adam. The micro Cydia ulicetana is also known as the Common gorse tortrix and can be seen in good numbers around gorse bushes on sunny days from mid April.

  4. Thanks Paul. we have quite a lot of gorse in the locality, including the hedge round the garden so that makes sense!
