

Sunday, 22 May 2011


Not an exciting catch last night, but the first minors of the year (all confirmed by dissection).

Tawny Marbled Minor

Marbled Minor

And a more 'obvious' Marbled Minor

And as I continue to link photos to the county list, here's an Ingrailed Clay.


  1. Just spotted that you are linking photos to the County records which I think is a really good idea. I have about 30 or so photos that I haven't posted on the blog of reasonable quality (by my standards!). Would be happy to send them through or put them on the blog if that is any help. List includes L-album Wainscot, Cream-spot Tiger, Garden Pebble, Least Black Arches, Yellow Belle, Eudonia angustea and a number of others for which there are no pics yet.

  2. Thanks for the offer, but I don't have the time to spend on linking lots at once. I'm happy doing them as they come up - the point of the blog was to stop me having to upload stuff on other people's behalf after all! If there are some that don't come up then I may put out a request.
