

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Llangynwyd today.

Tinea semifulvella
Tischeria ekebladella ? Tapped from Oak.
Also good numbers of Scoparia pyralella and Adela degeerella on the wing and a cracking Lampronia sp landed on a leaf very close to me which flew just as i was about to click the camera shutter! It was unfamiliar to me, so i drew it in my notebook and found it was Lampronia corticella (Raspberry moth). Only one record (yours Dave) in Glam on my (outdated) mapmate.


  1. Unless it's very worn, I don't think this is Tischeria - it should have a really fluffy head. It could be one of the Oak Coleophora ('flutipennella'), but it's not resting properly. So I don't know!
    As for Lampronia corticella, I really don't know why it's not more common in the county, I guess it's just really secretive!

  2. Thanks Dave. I was thinking it may be a Coleophora, hence the ? Do you mean C. flavipennella?

  3. No, flavipennella or lutipennella - a pair which John Langmaid calls 'flutipennella'!

  4. I see! Regarding L. corticella, secretive it must be. There is no photo of one on UKmoths. Wish i had got a shot now.
