

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Actinic at Kenfig north dunes last night.

Batia lunaris.
Epinotia ramella.
Yponomeuta rorella?
Phycita roborella?
3 moths unidentified, i have a Gelechid to look at later.
52 species in all with Large yellow underwing leading the count with 16 individuals, closely followed by Yellowtail, Lackey and Ear moth. Also - Rosy footman, Trachycera advenella, Bird cherry ermine, Bramble shoot moth and Cydia splendana.
Again, nearly half the catch were micros and Geometer numbers were very poor with just 11 moths of 6 species.


  1. I think the last photo is probably Pempeliella dilutella.
    Y. rorrella looks good, getting these regular in the garden now along with evonymella and padella/malinellus types. I suspect these are mostly padella based on the foodplants I've seen larvae on over the years around Gorseinon.

  2. Yes, rorrella looks good - it's difficult to show in photos the distinct two-tone wings. I also agree with Barry on the Pyrale.
