

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Rhoose Point 13 July

Here are a few from earlier in the week. The first is Pammene facsiana I think;

Rosy Footman - first for the garden.

Not sure what this one is....

Paraswammerdamia lutarea?

And no idea what this one is either, despite extensive searching and a very distinctive white Y on the back!

Any thoughts on those I haven't been able to id would be welcomed!


  1. I think you're right with P fasciana.

    No 3 is Water Veneer (a weird Pyralid) - these are almost always dead in the bottom of the trap.

    Not sure about No 4 - I struggle with these.

    No 5 is Blastobasis adustella.

  2. Thanks George - much appreciated. I see the Water Veneer (which was indeed dead) has an aquatic caterpillar. Weird indeed!
