

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Rhoose Point - migrants from last night

A good night for migrants at Rhoose Point last night. Dave, would be grateful if you could check the pics below to confirm that they are indeed Small Marbled and Small Mottled Willow. Two Small Marbled arrived, along with a single SMW, 2 Silver Y and another Ni, which may well be the same one from earlier in the week I guess.

If we get any more migrants I'll have to pen a strongly worded letter to the Daily Mail....!


  1. Well done Adam, the first SM's for East Glamorgan and the 5th VC41 rec. Your second Ni Moth is very likely to be new, migrants move off very quickly. The benefit of a trap so close to the coast is really paying off. I should imagine you will catch many good migrants before this year is out. August to October are usually the better months for migration. We'll keep watching with great interest. I have had Silver Y & Diamond-back recently in Cardiff. Regards, David Gilmore.

  2. Yes, Jake's said it all really. When I put my post up it was with a sense of anticipation from what might have turned up at Rhoose. There may have been a slight pang of jealousy, but migrants just don't like Llanishen.
