

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Wenvoe BioBlitz

Yesterday's SEWBReC BioBlitz at Wenvoe Orchid Fields went well - after a dull start it brightened up nicely in the afternoon and there was plenty of moth and butterfly activity.

Highlights for me were this newly-emerged female Small Emerald

and Hypatima rhomboidella

Also Cochylidia rupicola (3rd modern rec?), Evergestis pallidata, the hoverfly Leucozona laternaria (apparently quite scarce in Wales) and at least 14 species of butterfly. Dave will probably be able to add some more interesting sightings to this.

1 comment:

  1. I might, if I can find the time to look at what I caught! Coleophora discordella appears to be new for the Vale is all I can say for now!
