

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Rhoose Point

Dave, on the basis that this one has white-ish hind legs I was planning to record it as C betulicola rather than elongella. Do you agree? Also trapped it next to 2 birch trees, and we have no Alder in the vicinity as far as I am aware...


  1. Personally, I wouldn't like to call it betulicola without dissection. I've had Caloptilia species in the garden without any of their foodplants nearby, so they must wander a bit.

    I've never been able to see the features at the top of the hindleg - believe me I've tried!

    But Dave might disagree...

  2. Adam, It's not the colour of the hind legs as shown in the photo that is the key feature. It's the colour of the hind trochanter - where the hind leg is joined to the abdomen. This is tough to see at the best of times.

    That said, although I can barely see the hind leg at all, it doesn't look that white to me, at least compared to the two front legs. And as George says, these things will travel quite a distance.

  3. Thanks for your comments guys, I'll record it accordingly.
