

Monday, 27 February 2012


Running my garden actinic trap, belatedly, for the winter Garden Moth Scheme, I had my best catch for ages, with ten moths of eight species. There was a mix of the newly emerged and overwintered, with Pale Brindled Beauty, Spring Usher (pictured), Dotted Border, Early Moth, Common Quaker, Hebrew Character, The Satellite and The Chestnut. Happy days are here again!


  1. Hello Mark,

    I am doing a photographic project about. I nees some moth enthusiasts that I ca follow in the moth season, maybe join some field trips or record some moths that you trap. Can you help. Can I join Glamorgan Moth Recording group? I am really interested in participate and photograph activities of the group. I live in Newport.

    I hope to ear from you soon.
    All the best for now


    1. Hello Catarina
      I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


    2. Catarina, can you contact me via email: david dot slade at sewbrec dot org dot uk

      The GMRG is not very active these days, but if we do go out I can let you know. I can also put you in touch with some of the Newport Moth'ers.

    3. Catarina. My paid work is seasonal and I'll shortly be entering my busy season, when I'll have very little time for moth trapping. If you get in touch with David (the moth recorder for Glamorgan) he will, as he says, be able to put you in touch with more active moth-ers and ones closer to Newport.

      Good luck with your project


  2. The photo hasn't uploaded correctly, the paler band at the top is the correct colour and tone.
