

Saturday, 26 May 2012

GMS Llandaff North

A very disappointing GMS catch considering a minimum temperature of 15 C, though it was quite windy. 10 species recorded, highlights being Lime Hawk, Common Swift and Epiblema rosaecolana.

Where are all the Heart and Darts this year? I haven't had one yet - this time last year I was getting 40 a night! All noctuids seem very thin on the ground - just a Flame Shoulder last night.


  1. George, I had 2 on 25th, first of year.

  2. 2 H&D in Rhoose over the last week. Looking back at last years record, things are 2 to 3 wks behind. It'll be interesting to see if we are catching lots by the end of June!

  3. You're probably right - they're just running late. In 2009 I didn't get my first one until 28th May, and they peaked on 20th June. My earliest record is 1st May 2007.

  4. George, I had my first of the season in the garden last night. I also trapped out with the skinner, last night, but didn't get any H&D.
