

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Casehill Woods, 1st June

A 2 hours 45 minutes session at Casehill Woods, Dinas Powys, last night produced 52 species, the highlight being a little black and white micro Telechrysis tripuncta, which I think is the first county record since 1938. Shame I didn't get a better photo...
Telechrysis tripuncta

Other highlights: Blomer's Rivulet (2), Little Thorn, Coronet, Lobster, Scorched Wing, Tinea semifulvella and the stunning Alabonia geoffrella.
Blomer's Rivulet
Alabonia geoffrella
Tinea semifulvella

I've now seen Little Thorn in 5 different woods in Glamorgan and Monmouthshire within the last week, having never seen it previously. Is it having a great year or have I just been lucky?


  1. That A geoffrella is fantastic. I would't mind seeing Blomer's Rivulet either: we don't get them up here.

  2. By the way, how do you get the picture title within the frame of the picture?

  3. When you've added the photo, if you hover the cursor over it you get the option to add a caption.

    I'd always wanted to see geofrella, and now I've seen two in a week (the other in Monmouthshire).
