

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Trapping tonight

Not sure if anyone else has spotted it, but everything outside is covered in a fine layer of dust today, at least over this neck of the woods.  Suggests a warm air mass moving up from Africa, so may be worth putting your trap out tonight with the possibility of some migrants about....


  1. No noticeable dust here in the Cynon valley, but it was very mild (13.80C) and muggy last night and I had a Pale Mottled Willow in the trap this morning. So although I dislike trapping two nights in succession I might just run it again tonight, but wait until it is dark before switching on, to try and avoid too many re-catches.

  2. The other possibility I suppose is that they have been having some problems with the particulate scrubbers in the stack at Aberthaw power station!

  3. You could be right about a local source for the dust. I'll now have to leave early tomorrow, so no trapping tonight.
