

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Rhoose Point 4/7

 35 species last night.  New for the garden record are Plain Golden Y - lovely moth, pic below, Agonopterix nervosa and  Argyresthia pruniella.

 This is an Agonopterix rotundella, which I saw last year, but it was out a good two months earlier in 2011.


The pic below I think may be a lead-cloured Pug based on it's diminutive size and lack of markings (although it is a very fresh specimen).  Can anyone confirm what it is?  If it is a LC Pug It would be a nice record!

And I couldn't resist taking a picture of the Plain Golden Y as it is such a stunning moth!  Apologies for the quality of the photos but I discovered a load of grot stuck to the lens after taking the pics and releasing the moths!


  1. 14 Silver Y last night in Barry

  2. Nice one Ross. I didn't put th trap out last night unfortunately! It's worth keeping an eye out for the rarer migrants on nights like that. They seem to turn up on the coast much more frequently and abundantly than in other parts of the county.

  3. Adam - I suspect Haworth's Pug is more likely than LC, plus it seems to have a reddish tinge to the base of the abdomen.

  4. You are of course spot-on Barry. The reddish tinge is a lot more subtle than the the photos on UK moths and the pics in the books which was a bit off-putting. Still looks like a nice record though, and its new for me!

  5. Barry is of course right, it's Haworth's Pug
