

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Eastern Nycteoline ?

This moth fits exactly to Skinner Vol.3 plate 45, no.7.
It has the off white underwing and the upper wing markings are same. According to Skinner there have been 5 British recs to 2005, but I imagine there may be more. At present it is only a provisional ID.
Amazingly this moth was in the trap Sunday but it flew off before I could pot it, it landed back on the trap at c10.15 tonight - what luck.


  1. I don't have the new Skinner, but looks unlike any variant of Oak Nycteoline that I've seen. This will rank alongside Veronica's Stephen's Gem if it's gen! Nice one Jake.

  2. DJS has now taken the moth, so we'll know exactly what species this is. There has been no real migrant activity at my trap, 3 Silver Y last night, with very small numbers past couple of weeks.
    The species: Oak Nycteoline, is extremely variable and it could possibly be a variation not covered in literature. Although if eastern, it has been in the garden since last weekend & could have come in with the amplana influx??
    Also Old Lady, August Thorn & Pale Prominent this am.

  3. Those pesky Old Lady's - can I connect with one in Glamorgan!

  4. The twitchers have booked a viewing appointment with Jake's moth for tomorrow evening, so I won't be dissecting it until the weekend!
