

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


29 species in/around the trap in perfect conditions last night:

Eudonia angustea 1
Common Marbled Carpet 6
Grey Pine Carpet 3
Spruce Carpet 1
Green Carpet 1
November Moth agg. 5
Feathered Thorn 4
Turnip Moth 1
Large Yellow Underwing 3
Autumnal Rustic 1
Setaceous Hebrew Character 40
Square-spot Rustic 4
Black Rustic 30
Blair's Shoulder-knot 1
Green-brindled Crescent 2
Merveille du Jour 5
Brick 1
Red-line Quaker 10
Yellow-line Quaker 2
Flounced Chestnut 1
Lunar Underwing 1
Sallow 25
Angle Shades 4
Rosy Rustic 1
Frosted Orange 1
Large Wainscot 12
Silver Y 2 (normal size and very dark)
Snout 4
Pinion-streaked Snout 3
craneflies ~100
Limnephilus lunatus ~200 (I've never seen so many of this caddis before, there is a pond very close by!)


  1. That is a lot of moths Barry. Were you using the 400w bulb by any chance?

  2. However did you guess! Clearly this bit of kit has to be used wisely, a) so you don't annoy the neighbours and b) so you don't affect the local moth population! I'll reserve it for one off sites where you want to get a lot of records rather than regular trapping in the garden, as I tend to leave my traps run all night and check them in the morning. I guess if you run it for part of the night only then you could run it more regularly. Again, thanks for the technical advice in getting me up and running.

  3. PS. examination of the genitals of an accidentally squished Epirrita yesterday proved it to be male Pale November Moth

  4. Yes, I think you are spot-on there Barry. They are incredibly bright, and not only would the neighbours not be too happy it can't be great for the electric bill! I also use it away from home and on the odd night when there may be migrants coming in.

    There is also a 1000 watt version, (!) though being so close to the airport I would be worried about planes attempting to land in the garden...
