

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Cwmbach, Last Night

With a mild night forecast, I decided to run my 22w actinic garden trap overnight. It was damp and drizzly, with a minimum temperature of 10.40 C, but there was also a fresh Southerly breeze blowing, so I didn't know what to expect this morning, though a few moths on the top of the trap were a good sign.
In all I had twenty three moths of twelve species, including a December Moth. which I'm always pleased to get.

December Moth

The full list is:

Epiphyas Postvittana x 2
December Moth x 1
Red-green Carpet x 2
Common Marbled Carpet x 1
Spruce Carpet x 6
Epirrita agg x 2
Feathered Thorn x 3
Blair's Shoulder-knot x 1
Red-line Quaker x 1
Yellow-line Quaker x 1
Flounced Chestnut x 1
Silver Y x 2


  1. You are doing a lot better than me Mark! Two moths a few nights ago, one Cypress Carpet and a (very late) Feathered Ranunculus... Traps out now, so we'll see if tonight is any better!

  2. Well good luck with that.

    We could do with a night like last, on a weekend, so that Mike Hogan and I could get out with our Skinners.

  3. Having had the latest (I think!) VC41 record of Feathered Ranunculus a few days ago, last night I found the latest= record of Black Rustic. That was the only moth though! Dor Beetle the only other thing of interest.

  4. You aren't in some sort of time warp down there, are you?
    Nice record though.
