

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Werfa, Cwmbach 07/06/2013

I trapped at this former colliery site for five hours. Light rain at the start soon fizzled out, the rest of the night being overcast, mild (min 12 C) and breezy, the ESE breeze increasing noticeably towards the end of the session.
Fifty identifiable species were trapped, plus a few unknowns. It was nice to get a half decent catch and although most were familiar old friends, they were none the less welcome. If I had to pick some highlights, I would they would be (fairly arbitrarily)  Phylloporia bistrigella, the Monopis bellow, which I believe is M. weaverella.

Monopis weaverella?

Carpatolechia proximella made a brief appearance before disappearing again and there were two of the Acreris pictured below, which I've puzzled over. Apologies for the poor depth of field. I had the aperture set to f3.5, thinking it was f35... should have gone to specsavers!

Acleris Sp. A form of  Variegana?

Another puzzler is this Eucosma?

Eucosma? Pretty worn, I'm afraid.

It was nice to see a fresh looking Bee Moth. Macro highlights included Devon Carpet, Dwarf Pug, Small Seraphim, Scorched Wing, Least Black Arches, Coronet, Clouded-bordered Brindle. ab. combusta and Marbled White-spot. 



  1. Monopis - looks more like weaverella than laevigella to me, but I find these two species difficult.

    I think the Acleris is one of the many forms of hastiana.

    The last one might be Bactra lancealana?


  2. Thanks George. You are right about the Acleris being hastiana, but I think I'll forget all about the Bactra. The live specimen of the Monopis looked more like weaverella than the photo does and I'm fairly confident about that.
