

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Cwm Colhuw

Just to add to Paul's post...other highlights for me were Hoary Footman (several of these), Brussels Lace, Agonopterix rotundella and A. angelicella (Paul has a good photo of the latter).
Hoary Footman
Not sure what the final species count was...Adam had around 100 species at his MV light alone, and we had a total of 3 MVs and 2 Actinics spread around the field.


  1. The final tally for my trap was 101, plus the few micros you took away. Not bad! I will enter them into mapmate in the next day or two. Do you want me to send the extract to you to collate the results?

  2. And the Carabid was Harpalus rufipes just in case you were curious George!

  3. The only moth in my trap and no-one else's was Scallop shell.
