

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Midweek Mothing in England

MCP, PP & myself went on a midweek mini marathon of moth trapping in southern England. We covered 900 miles and several counties. We haven't worked out the entire species list yet, but here are a few highlights. Sid will upload the photos at a later date. The counties where we either trapped or did daylight coverage were: Wiltshire, Hampshire, Kent & Surrey.
Highlights List:
Ethmia bipunctella
Ethmia terminella 
M. baliodactylus [Dingy White Plume]
M. leucodactyla [Thyme Plume]
Blotched Emerald
Sussex Emerald
Poplar Lutestring
Rest Harrow
Dwarf Cream Wave
Rosy Wave
Bright Wave
Purple-bordered Gold
Large Twin-spot Carpet
The Peacock [Extremely rare in VC41]
Orange Moth
Great Oak Beauty
Pale Oak Beauty
Feathered Beauty
Pine Hawk-moth
Dark Tussock
Four-dotted Footman
Pygmy Footman
Small Black Arches
Scarce Merveille du Jour
White Spot
Toadflax Brocade [Larvae]

Purple Emperor
White Admiral
Heath Fritillary

Frog Orchid, Great Butterfly Orchid, Musk Orchid, Monkey Orchid & Late Spider Orchid

1 comment:

  1. Forget to mention our thanks to Owain Leyshon & Sean Clancy for their help and to Steve Whitehouse for info & organisation.
