

Saturday, 20 July 2013


Last night produced my highest number of species since I started trapping in 2007.  A total of 61 species recorded, of which, just 6 were micros. A Tawny-barred Angle (f. nigrofulvata) was another new species for me and a Short-cloaked Moth was new for the garden. Also of note, in an otherwise pretty run of the mill catch, was a pair of copulating Garden Tigers. Most abundant species: 17 Double Line.



  1. A similar sized catch to mine, Tony. Double Line seems to be having a good year.

  2. Seems like it Mark. 17 was my second highest Double Line count to date - max was 20 on June 25th last year.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I had 42 in a session at Cwm Taf Fechan nature reserve, last weekend, which was by far the highest total I've ever had. I was out with the skinner all last night and had four Double Line, but they were all looking a little worn.

  5. According to my mapmate, that's the second highest total for the county. Barry recorded 50 at Cwm nant Hir on July 15th 2005.
    I had 7 on July 17th. No previous records, but I haven't trapped since June 19th so missed a fair chunk of their flight season.... darned ongoing health issues are to blame - they can be quite debilitating for weeks when they occur. :(
