

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Bridgend garden

Last nights MV trapping produced a fuller trap with 38 species and more individuals than usual (approx 200). Visible bird migration overhead with Swallows and Tree Pipits, further evidence of moth migration evidenced by Dark Swordgrass. Other new moths for the year were Blood-vein and Waved Umber. Other interesting species were Peach Blossom, Small fan-footed Wave, Red Twin-spot Carpet, Sharp-angled Peacock, Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, Rosy Rustic and Straw Dot.


  1. A similar catch here in Llandaff North that night, with 37 species. Highlight was Small Wainscot (I think this is the first record for ST17 since 1890). Also new for year were Orange Swift, Dusky Thorn, Agriphila geniculea and Horse Chestnut Leafminer (C ohridella).

    Notably high totals of Epiphyas postvittana (33) and Straw Dot (15).


  2. Also a similar catch here at Parc Slip last night with 44 species. Highs were LYU (21)and brimstone (20). New for the year: sallow, purple bar, centre-barred sallow (also new for me).
    I finally saw my first clouded yellow too - at Trecco Bay conservation area...
