

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Last week

Various sightings from the last week:
Sunday in my daughter's garden a well grown Eyed Hawkmoth caterpillar.
Monday by torch by Loughor Estuary on tansy were lots of Plutella xylostella, 4 Emmelina monodactyla, 1 (Saltern) Ear.
Tuesday at Caswell Bay lots of Mullein Wave including 10 on one rock beside the trap, 2 Treble-bar, several Annulet, Dichrorampha acuminatana and an (ordinary) Ear, see comparative photo.
Thursday at Cymmer Tip. Weather forecast was perfect but actually it rained until 2am so lots of midges and some rather damp moths, including 8 Annulet (all males), 10 Autumnal Rustic, 1 wet Heath Rustic, Hedge Rustic, Straw Underwing etc

Dichrorampha acuminatana

Mullein wave

Treble-bar, male


Eyed Hawkmoth caterpillar

Autumnal Rustic

Heath Rustic, rained on!

Ear & Saltern Ear possibles
Anomalous male

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