

Sunday, 29 September 2013

This weekend in Llanishen

Still no sign of Cypress Carpet in my garden, but I guess it's only a matter of time. Meanwhile, a few Silver Y & a single Noophila noctuella indicated to me that other people were probably geting decent migrants! Otherwise just the usual autumnal suspects with Black Rustic, Lunar Underwing (still no Sallows this year yet either). Also Scrobipalpa costella.

1 comment:

  1. A similar story in Llandaff North - just a single Black Rustic so far and no Sallows. A Riband Wave on Friday night was a surprise - presumably a second brood individual. Also quite a few second brood Light Emerald, singletons of Dusky Thorn most nights, and Mompha propinquella on Friday night.
