

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Bugs in moth traps

Liorhyssus hyalinus is an RDBK species which was first shown to me in the Nitten Field by Tristan Bantock in 2011, a new species for Glamorgan at that time. A specimen in yesterday's moth trap at Horton is the 2nd Glamorgan record according to the NBN. Tristan's excellent website (HERE) says that it used to be a very rare migrant, but is now more frequent in the south and west, so one to look out for. There were also 4 Pantilius tunicatus in yestreday's trap and one in the garden trap this morning along with a single Vestal and a handful of commer migrants.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for the tips on Pearly Underwing on my earlier post Barry!

    The bug is a very nice record!

    Funny you should be posting about bugs; I had a Necrodes littoralis in my trap the other day, see here I see one or two of them per year, and this one was surprisingly active for a large-ish beetle!
