

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


68 moths of 15 species this morning, a handsome Merveille du Jour being the highlight of the resident species.  Migrants were represented by 10 Silver Y, 2 Vestal and a late Dioryctria abietella (new for the garden) which I guess is just as likely to be a migrant all thing considered. On the theme of late moths a second generation Riband Wave set the pulse racing for a few seconds when I first saw it. As with Paul CMC was the most abundant species with 20 in the trap.

1 comment:

  1. 11 species for me, including late records of Brimstone and Shuttle-shaped Dart. Also my first Pale Mottled Willow of the year. And a Riband Wave on a shop window down the road.

    The previous night I caught Eudonia pallida, which I think just pips Adam's recent individual as the latest county record (but for how long?).
