

Saturday, 5 October 2013


An excellent catch this morning from a trap left overnight at Horton (very many thanks to Cathy Dorran). In total 52 species, 11-12 of which were migrants, highlights including: Diamond-back Moth 2, Carcina quercana 1 (second brood), Aleimma loeflingiana 1 (I think our latest record by more than a month!), Acleris sparsana 8, Rusty-dot Pearl 5, Mecyna asinalis 3, Rush Veneer 42, Palpita vitrealis 1, Vestal 9, Gem 1, Red-green Carpet 1, Convolvulus Hawk-moth 1, Turnip Moth 2, Heart and Dart 1 (very late), Dark Sword-grass 8, Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 1, Pearly Underwing 5, Neglected Rustic 1, L-album Wainscot 11, White-speck 1, Feathered Ranunculus 9, Common Rustic agg. 1 (another very late record), Large Wainscot 1, Scarce Bordered Straw 2 and Silver Y 10. Some photos to follow later...


  1. Also Small Mottled Willow, which I found in the trap as I was setting it up in the garden this evening.

  2. You're just showing off with that last one Barry!

  3. That really is quite a catch for October.

    I think the Aleimma might be Acleris rhombana though.
