

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Macro-moth Atlas 2018

For those who don't receive Butterfly Conservation's e-moth newsletter, the following item from the January newsletter may be of interest:
"IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: A Macro-moth Atlas for Britain and Ireland in 2018

The production of a full, hardcopy atlas of the larger moths has always been the intention of Butterfly Conservation, but the timescale was dependent upon the progress of the NMRS. Due to the success of the scheme we now plan to work towards the publication of an atlas of macro-moths in Britain and Ireland towards the end of 2018, in collaboration with MothsIreland. It will be based on records up to the end of 2016, providing moth recorders across the land with three more full years of fieldwork towards the planned Atlas.

There is a substantial amount of work to be done between now and the end of 2016; the historical baseline of the NMRS needs to be improved and targeted recording of under-recorded squares is another challenge. However, we hope that making this announcement now will stimulate further recording effort and encourage County Moth Recorders, local moth groups and moth recorders themselves to redouble their efforts to achieve the best possible coverage of the country.

To find out what squares are under-recorded in your area or indeed other areas please contact the relevant County Moth Recorder in the first instance. In due course we will be producing a list of under-recorded 10km squares based on the NMRS database. However, this may not be 100% accurate as there may be records that we have not yet received from the County Moth Recorder network."

Time for us to start thinking about targetting under-recorded squares in VC41? I know we have better coverage than most counties thanks to all the efforts in amassing records for 'the book', but there are still some under-recorded areas, e.g. parts of the Vale and central uplands.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for putting this up George.

    As well as some poorly recorded squares, there are also a few that have not be done properly since the mid 1990s.
    And 'the book' is drawing ever closer...
