

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Coming soon...

Ok, I know you've heard this one before, once or twice, over the past five (six?, seven?, eight?) years... but the Moths of Glamorgan (by Gilmore, Slade & Stewart) might actually get published very soon. It (should be) going to the printers tomorrow, and will (or at least should) be out by the end of April. I'll keep you posted of course, and there is still an element of 'I'll believe it when I see it', but we really might be getting there now!


  1. Just in time to start work on the revised and enlarged second edition ;¬)

  2. I for one am looking forward to seeing it Dave!

  3. I think you meant buying it...

  4. I thought members got one gratis. Is this what I pay my membership subs for???

  5. Are there still subs? I haven't been asked to pay subs for years...

    I assume, anyway, that anyone submitting records to the book will get a hefty discount :-)

  6. It may have been years ago, but they were still subs :¬) What is the cover price expected to be, Dave?

  7. If they're free I'll have two!

  8. There are two problems with the free copies to members approach. Firstly, no-one has paid subs for six years (by my reckoning) and therefore the 'membership' list is very out of date and wouldn't include Adam here, or a number of other recorders that have become active in the county since the last call for subs. So given the lack of a membership list who do we give copies to? Every active mother in Glamorgan? So no free copies I'm afraid.

    Cover price is a fairly hefty £40, but it will be discounted to those that we could loosely call members! I need to clear the figures with the others before I announce them, but six years of subs will cover it!

  9. I was joking Dave! Seriously for a moment though do put me down for one please!

  10. That's inflation for you: free six years ago and forty quid today! I'll be having one, of course, despite (as you are aware, Dave) having certain feelings about the whole atlas thing. Incidentally, is it hardback or paperback and can I get it author(s) signed?
