

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Llandaff North last night

Last night was one of those rare occasions when GMS Friday falls on the best weather night of the week. The wind dropped at dusk for the first time in days and it remained mild and cloudy, if a little wet. As a consequence I had my best catch of the year with 32 moths of 14 species (which is still not great for early May, admittedly). The only moth of note was this slightly tatty Waved Umber - I do quite well for these and this is my 9th garden record (since 2007). I also caught 4 species of Caddis (see here).


1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that someone is getting a decent catch or two, George. It remained windy and wet up here, and I had just five moths of species, but that included my first Poplar Hawk of the year, so I'm not complaining too much.
