

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Gwent VC35

Mike Powell and myself went to have a look for Marbled White today at Slade Woods, with no luck. However we did net a micro: Dotted Ermel (Ethmia dodecea) at ST45-89-. Quickly looking at the UK Moths map for this species there wasn't a dot for Wales. On going home I went through VC41 data, not recorded and what I had for Gwent, again nothing. Mike then texted with info on Horton's Monmouthshire Leps, and there was record for 13.vii.1969 at Wyndcliff (again on Gwent Moths website). I don't know whether this species has been recorded in Gwent since 1969 or is this the first since? Below is a poor record shot, DS is coming round tomorrow to take the moth and get a better photo. Both Mike & I would like to know exactly what is the status for VC35, indeed Wales if Known. Cheers MCP & DRWG - and Joshua Powell!!
PS. Had a Scarlet Tiger on the in-laws wall at Rogerstone later too.


  1. Sam looks at this site so he can say if he's had any recent records, but Horton's is the only one we've got in the SEWBReC database. An excellent record chaps.

  2. A very excellent record: the only other one from vc35 (and South Wales?) was that one from 1969!

  3. Well done chaps, Slade Wood continues to produce exciting moths.

    The foodplant, Common Gromwell, is particularly abundant at the site this year, following ground disturbance along the tracksides during timber extraction works a couple of years ago. I'll try and get down there to look for larvae in August-September.


  4. PS on the subject of out of county. Adam caught Epermenia aequidentellus a few weeks back, new to Glam. This was followed 2 weeks ago by a record from Llansteffan, Carms caught by Mel Jones. Not sure how many GMRG look on our Carms blog and will have seen this interesting link.

    Also I was recently emailed a photo of Phlyctaenia perlucidalis from easternmost Monmouthshire by Ian Rabjohns. A species you might get in Glamorgan soon.

  5. Thanks all, info much appreciated.
