

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Jersey Tiger

A Jersey Tiger in the trap this morning!  A spectacular moth, and the second garden / 4th? Welsh record.  If more turn up this year I guess there is a strong possibility this species is continuing its range expansion and we may have a small colony on this side of the Bristol Channel....

George - do you want to use this pic on the BC Wales FB site, and can you extract this image from here (using magic or something), or do you want me to email a copy?


  1. Thanks Adam - I can nick it from there.

    I think there are at least five Welsh records now: Newport, Flat Holm, Rhoose x2 and Lavernock, but I might have missed one.

  2. Hopefully the expansion will extend westwards soon - Owain perhaps best placed to get one first this end

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks Barry! It would be good if the Cream-spots also moved out from their south glam coast stronghold in this hot weather along with the Jerseys....

    I was also wondering if anyone else has been seeing Cydia splendana in significant numbers? I had a single garden record from 2011, but this year they've been around for the last couple of weeks with at least 8 last night.

  5. I've had Cydia splendana at Parc Slip the last couple of weeks but a maximum of 2 I think - sadly no Jersey Tigers!

  6. A cracking record....I`m `big-time jealous`! Get a giant fan and blow them west please!

  7. Yes, plenty of Cydia splendana for me too.

  8. Another Jersey Tiger in the trap last night, and looking at the detail of the wing markings, a different individual. And more Cydia splendana...

  9. I had 15 splendana in one trap at Penclacwydd last week, my second highest ever count.

  10. Jersey Tiger Sully, Vale of Glam last night to 18 Watt Actinic

  11. Thanks Adam, I have sent the record to Sewbrec too. It will be interesting to see how these these records trend over the rest of the summer.

  12. Portland Bird Obs have been reporting exceptional numbers of Cydia splendana. I had a fair number here in Carms last night. We're still awaiting the first VC44 record of Jersey Tiger.

  13. Thanks Sam, it looks like most of the splendanas will be migrants then I guess, and you never know the easterly winds we've had may be blowing a few Jersey Tigers west!

  14. Found another Jersey Tiger in Sully 29/07, this time found feeding on Buddleia
    Looking at the markings, I am pretty sure that this is a different specimen to the one found at light on the weekend.
