

Friday, 25 July 2014

Llyn Fach last night

Mark Evans organised a trapping session at Llyn Fach (SN9003)  last night, with Carys Solman of WTSWW and one of their volunteers (Graham?). It was a pleasantly warm night for an upland site, with the temperature holding up at about 16.5C, and the moths kept rolling in until we called it a day at around 2am. I recorded 83 species at my MV and two actinics, and there were a few extra species in Mark's MV trap.

The highlight was this probable Acleris caledoniana at Mark's trap, which would be the first VC41 record since 1980. But it will need dissecting to be sure it isn't rhombana.

Other highlights included Scarce Silver Y, lots of Twin-spot Carpets, Galium Carpet, Minor Shoulder-knot, Scallop Shell, Double Line, Beautiful Yellow Underwing, Epinotia cruciana and Lathronympha strigana.

Beautiful Yellow Underwing

Also a couple of Fen/Small Square-spots which look like the former, but the split between these species is a bit contentious.



  1. Graham Watkeys is the gentleman's name. A tricky site to access and in which to site traps, but worth the effort. A clear night allowed some star gazing too, in this relatively dark sky site.

  2. It should be said, that Carys did as much, if not more of the organising as did I.
    It would be nice, once all the restrictions and politics surrounding the site are eventually over, to run a full GMRG field meeting there.
