

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

ohridella on the move

I caught 5 C. ohridella last night, despite being several 100m from the nearest Horse Chestnut. I also had a couple of them last time I ran the trap (18th).

A good catch of 65 species last night - but not quite matching last July's heatwave (perhaps because last year was a late season, so many species were still flying in mid July which this year will have gone over). Nothing new for the garden, but a few species I record only occasionally - Sallow Kitten, Yellow-tail, DBTS Carpet, Catoptria margaritella, Endotricha flammealis, Ancylis badiana and Batrachedra praeangusta.


  1. Having seemingly established itself in the Cynon and Taff Valleys, becoming common and widespread where horse chestnuts are found, C. ohridella has now all but disappeared, here, due to two successive hard winters. No doubt, if we have another very mild winter again this year, they ill start to make a come-back.

  2. There is still plenty of it in Cardiff to re-populate from!
