

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Rhoose friday night

Like Mark, I too had my trap out on Friday night.  By the morning I had a few over 80 species in the trap, including a number of the commoner migrants (9 Diamond-back, 3 Dark Sword -grass, Silver Y, a few small ermines and a single Rush Veneer.  There were also a couple of Cydia splendana which I have only recorded once before at home, and the book suggests this species may also be augmented by migration.

Other highlights included Dusky Sallow, Ypsolopha scabrella, Blackneck, Fern, Calamatropha paludella, Donacaula forficella and Lesser Wax Moth.  I also have a small cochylid still in the fridge which looks like either Cochylidia implicitana/heydeniana or subroseana.
Here's the mystery Cochylid:

 Any ideas as to which it might be?


Also struggling a bit with this one - could it be a unusual colour form of Diamond-back possibly?


  1. Looks good for a worn Diamondback to me.

    Cochylid is tricky - could perhaps be a not very rosy Cochylis roseana or flaviciliana, if not one of the two you mention.

  2. I'd probably go for roseana unless dissected.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'd sort of ruled out flaviciliana and roseana as it has a forewing length of <5mm, as well as the lack of rosy colour! I'll have a go at dissecting it if I get a chance!
