

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Always Hoped to See...

After years of lurking around Alders and having trapped the adults several times, I was thrilled, this afternoon, to find this Alder Moth larva, at Werfa, Abernant. It has taken years to see an Alder Moth larva, but worth it in the end.


  1. I`ve only found it once - many years ago on young alders at a Carmarthenshire sand dune site. Don`t lurk too much around the alders though, or we`ll be calling you Alderman Evans!
    Keep up the good work.

  2. No worries, Ian, I'm transferring my lurking to oaks, in the hope of a Lobster Moth larva.

  3. I always say you can't beat a nice bit of lurking! Lovely looking larva too! I wonder what function those spines (?) serve?

  4. 'Lurking' is not listed in methods in MapMate, however I was amused to see this was... 'Attracted to virgin female'

  5. Excellent find Mark, we'll done.

  6. It certainly does the heart good to have a good old lurk, now ant then! Thanks for the congrats. As for the spines, I had wondered myself, particularly about why they thicken at the tips.
