

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Bridgend overnight 29Sep14

Yesterday's trap was set at dusk and before we retreated for the night, a Noctule Bat was a most welcome visitor for at least its fourth night over the garden. A couple of Silver Y were feeding on Verbena.

Anyway back to moths, only 23 moths of 9 species were caught when we opened up in the morning, the highlight a Blair's Shoulder-know plus a small 2nd generation Swallow-tailed moth and a Sallow.

Parc Slip

A bit of a disappointing catch in the trap this morning despite it looking good overnight. 24 species in total with the only ones new for the year being brick, yellow-line quaker, blair's shoulder-knot and feathered thorn. A couple of late waves also made an appearance (single-dotted and small fan-footed) with the only micros being one Eudonia angustea and a light brown apple moth and a solitary silver Y the only migrant.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Lavernock last night

A three-hour session at Lavernock Point Nature Reserve last night (MV plus 6W Heath trap) produced 36 species, two thirds of which were macros. The site was chosen due to the abundance of fleabane in the meadows, with Vaughn's recent Tebenna micalis very much in mind. Sure enough, one of these little beauties turned up - the photo, taken under the MV lamp, doesn't do it justice I'm afraid!

Tebenna micalis (3rd VC41 record)
Also new for ST16 were Bordered Beauty, Pink-barred Sallow and Scrobipalpa costella. Other highlights included Barred Sallow, Brindled Green, Oak Nycteoline, Dusky Thorn, a very late Blackneck, Wax Moth, Ebulea crocealis and Epermenia falciformis.

Barred Sallow
Bordered Beauty
Oak Nycteoline
Wax moth, Galleria mellonella
George and Martin Tordoff

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Gorseinon & Pwlldu

29 species in the garden trap this morning, the best being 2 Brindled Green, Turnip Moth, Acleris sparsana, 2 Autumn Rustic and second generation Swammerdamia caesiella.  

Yesterday, 14 species of leaf-mining moth were noted at Pwlldu including Ectoedemia angulifasciella on Dog-rose, some vacated and therefore only putative mines of Bucculatrix bechsteinella on Hawthorn (I’ll put a pic up later and would welcome comments), Phyllonorycter acerifoliella on Field Maple and there were plenty mines of Grapholita tenebrosana on the hips of Dog-rose. Non-leps noted included mines of Scaptomyza flava on Sea Radish and Eriophyes convolvens galls on Spindle.

Grapholita tenebrosana mines in rose hips
possible Bucculatrix bechsteinella, a short mine with gallery filled with frass leading to small blotch, plus adjacent external feeding on upper leaf 

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Parc slip.

                          Vaughn's Tebenna micalis.

Parc Slip

A rather damp night meant I wasn't exactly hopeful of anything exciting this morning and while the numbers were low (32 moths) it was definitely worth setting for the Tebenna micalis that was found in the trap. One was caught in Ceredigion over the weekend too so maybe there's a mini influx?
Mostly the usual suspects other than that - first autumnal rustics of the year and the first of the second brood of grey pine carpet with 18 species in total.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014


Richard Wistow and myself had a good search of a field with abundant Devil's-bit Scabious today. We never found any Marsh Fritillaries but did see 17 Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla, which is more than I can remember seeing previously, though I note DRWG & MCP counted 35 at Llanilid in September 2005 - presumably another good year for second broods. Also noted were larvae of Fox Moth and the sawfly Abia sericea (below).

Botanical curiosity was provided by this rather fetching pink variety of Devil's-bit Scabious - I can see Richard has a natural flair for flower arranging! 

Not a Clifden Nonpareil

For those that are wondering how I can be so certain that the first Welsh Clifden Nonpareil was photographed in Porthcawl last week, I draw your attention to the little bit of hindwing showing. Red Underwing has solid black right up to the edge of the wing followed by white cilia. Clifden Nonpareil has the white cilia, but the wing fades to white before it reaches the edge.
This is clipped from Paul Harris' photo on UK-Moths.
And this is the Porthcawl moth.
I'm afraid we'll have to wait a bit longer before this lovely species is added to the Glamorgan list.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

the extra photos of queries

2 micros top. and caterpillar found this evening - can't seem to find exact same one in book, only 3 similar ones. any help gratefully appreciated. also Herald found later this afternoon in the garden.

Overnight in Bridgend

Last night we trapped approx 60 moths of 20 species and a lovely autumn catch it was.

The highlights were Large Ranunculus, 2 Sallow (first since 2011), Burnished Brass (first since 2009), 2 Angle Shades, 2 Light Emerald and a Dusky Thorn.

A couple of micros were a bit troublesome, I think one could be Pseudotelphusa paripunctella due to the white tuft / scales or even Carpatolechia notatella, but our literature says May / June for those, any ideas anyone? Emma will load some better images later on.

Mike Cram

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Kenfig Friday night

Yes, a good night with near perfect conditions for the time of year.
My best amongst 43 species was this Euspilapteryx auroguttella which was new for me and not recorded in VC41 since 1999 apparently, and an extremely late example too.
Euspilapteryx (Eucalybites) auroguttella. 5mm

Kenfig, Friday night

A good night was had at Kenfig last night, and thanks to Chris & Paul for bringing traps. We've not compiled list between us yet, but by far the best moth of the evening was found by Emma Douglas before the lights went on, this lovely Antigastra catalunalis.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Parc Slip

Successful night trapping last night - bit of rain but temperature didn't drop below 17 according to my thermometer. Over 40 species caught (inc. unidentified micros below...) with highlights for me Oak nycteoline (new species for me), flounced chestnut, black rustic and burnished brass with plenty of micro species including Ypsolopha parenthesella, Lathronympha strigana and Ebulea crocealis. As mentioned, there were a few I'm unsure of:
1.Eudonia sp.
2.Phyllonorycter messaniella?
3.Caloptilia robustella?
4.Argyresthia sp.

5.Not sure
6.Epinotia sp.?

Thanks for your help!

Gowerton garden Friday morning

Very warm overnight with 16 degrees here at dawn. 28 species with a second for the year female Gem and a fresh Pyralis farinalis. Large Ranunculus well in season now with 6 today.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Llandaff North last night

Nothing in the same league as Clifden Nonpareil (obviously) but 22 species is pretty good for my garden in mid September. Highlight was Phyllonorycter platanoidella new for the site. I see the mines of this species on the Norway Maples down by the River Taff fairly regularly, though not on the street maples nearer the garden.

Phyllonorycter platanoidella
Also this Ectoedemia which is probably a worn sericopeza (another Norway Maple miner) but I've retained it for closer inspection.

Ectoedemia sericopeza/louisella
Macros included Blood-vein (3rd garden record), Light Emerald (having a strong 2nd brood this year) and Large Ranunculus.

Clifden Nonpareil in Porthcawl

Recorded and photographed by Chris and Gill O'Brien in their wonderful wildlife garden on 9 August 2014. CF36 3NY.

Thanks Chris for bringing the record and photo to my attention.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Gowerton Wednesday morning.

Mild and calm, still 12 degrees first thing.
25 species, all fairly ordinary, plus this which I can't put a name to.
It was pretty small but looks quite fresh, so any ideas very welcome.
Also found these blotch mines in hazel. Tenanted but the occupants do not show against the light.

Blotches in Hazel. Are they even lepidopteran?
Any thoughts?
To light 16 Sept. 3.5mm forewing


very quiet in Creigiau

Pretty much a mirror of Mike&Emma. Put the trap out on Sunday night at 15C and the temperature barely dropped below 13C with only a light breeze, yet only 21 moths of 13 species. Did have a Barred Hook-tip though which is a new moth for me so can't be too disappointed!

Monday, 15 September 2014


First Large Ranunculus of the year this am, also a Centre-barred Sallow [7th site rec.], Old Lady [11th rec. 2014] & Small Dusty Wave. Seems like a good year for Narrow-winged Grey (E. angustea), plenty in the trap over the last few days. No migrants!

Sunday, 14 September 2014

All quiet in Bridgend

I don't know about everyone else but I echo Barry's disappointment at an uninspiring catch in such promising weather conditions. We caught about 50 moths of 13 species last night. Mostly Brimstones, Large & Yellow Underwings and Square-spot Rustics, the highlight perhaps a Light Emerald and an Angle Shades.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Swansea marina dunes

There was a Hummingbird Hawk feeding on Evening-primrose this afternoon and singles of Clouded Yellow and Udea ferrugalis were disturbed during our stroll. Angie Jones also saw a Hummer in Langland Bay today.

Gorseinon additions

Whilst watering the pots in the garden this afternoon I disturbed two additions to last night's catch, both within the 'lurosphere' of the trap; Double-striped Pug and a Vestal.

Parc Slip moth morning

We had a well-attended moth morning at Parc Slip this morning and thankfully there were enough moths to keep people interested. 22 species in total with first showing of pink-barred sallow and other attractive autumn moths including dusky, august and canary-shouldered thorns, broad-bordered YU as well as a silver Y and a purple bar. A few micros turned up too with Mompha raschkiella, Acleris rhombana and Epinotia immundana. Thanks to Paul and Norman for their assistance.


Forgot to mention there were larvae of Coleophora atriplicis on Grass-leaved Orache yesterday.


Only 23 species in the trap this morning following what seemed pretty much ideal conditions. Nothing of special note, but our 4th-ever Purple-bar was the 250th species to be recorded in our garden this year. This total is mostly made up of captures from 18 overnight trapping sessions, though a few miscellaneous observations such diurnal sightings of butterflies are included in the total.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Bridgend mothing 11Sep14

A quiet night with the only highlight for us a Wax moth - our first since 2006 taking our year tally to 186 species for the garden. 14 species caught approx 50 individuals, usual suspects with a Crambus perlella and Pale Mottled Willow adding some variety.

Mike & Emma.

Yet another caterpillar

During Marsh Fritillary larval web surveys on Gower last week I spotted this Small Chocolate-tip larva on Creeping Willow on Fairwood Common. Barry has recorded this species on the same plant on Pengwern, but this seems to be the first record for Fairwood.

Small Chocolate-tip
Marsh Frtit larval web numbers have been impressive this year, with around 600 counted on the Gower Commons (and we only covered a fraction of Fairwood Common). A photo below of one of the oddest webs I've seen - 40cm off the ground on a bramble bush. There was a Devil's-bit Scabious plant just out of shot.
Marsh Fritillary larval web
I also saw a Prochoreutis species on Fairwood Common, but it evaded capture so I'm not sure which of the two species it was.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Caterpillar for id

I know caterpillars are a bit of a nightmare id-wise but does anyone have any idea of this one found feeding on elder at Parc Slip today please? It was about 40mm long...

Sycamore Caterpillar in South Cornelly

I have just had a report of a Sycamore caterpillar from a member of the public, found in a garden in South Cornelly. It is not the kind of caterpillar that can be mistaken for anything else so keep your eyes peeled! As far as I am aware this is only the fourth county record unless someone has caught it this year and I've forgotten about it!

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Bats Birds and Bugs at Kenfig (19th September)

Bridgend Council are running a public event at Kenfig on Friday 19th. I will be running a trap but if anyone else want to join me you would be more than welcome. I'll be there from about 6pm, but the lights won't be going on before 7pm so feel free to arrive around then.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Fleabane larva

Garnwen, Maesteg 09/09/14 I'll have to purchase a caterpillar book as I haven't a clue what they are. Until then bare with me :)All on Fleabane and look like pug larva.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Night shift at Kenfig Industrial Estate 06/09/14

A second generation [?] adult Poplar Hawkmoth was attracted and resting to a lighted window at the RPC-Tedeco factory . As far as I can see on mapmate this is the latest record for an adult of this species in Glamorgan, with larva more commonly recorded at this time of year. Second generation records are not that common in Glamorgan, so the good weather in the early summer may have been the reason. Other supporting species included the more seasonal Feathered Gothic, Neglected Rustic an Rosy Rustic.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Overnight in Bridgend 04Sep14

What a cracking photo of Centre-barred Sallow by Howard in the previous posting!

We recorded one as well last night, our first since 2006. Hopefully we'll start to get a few more Sallow species now as early autumn starts.

Our MV bulb attracted 20 species following a cooler night with fewer moths. Also new for the year here was Eudonia angustea (first since 2011) and Garden Rose Tortrix. We also recorded a Lychnis and a Pale Mottled Willow.
Eudonia angustea
Centre-barred Sallow

Creigiau 02/04 September

Two evenings trapping, the best of which was 50 moths of 26 species. The catch included Canary-shouldered Thorn, Centre-barred Sallow (a new moth for me), Feathered Gothic (new for the year), Pale Mottled Willow and Rosy Rustic (new for the year). Large Yellow Underwing was again dominant with 12 specimens.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Cypress Pug and Pale Mottled Willow

These were from last night's session in our garden in Bridgend:-

Cypress Pug
Pale Mottled Willow

Bridgend overnight 02Sep14

Last night, we celebrated the 300th trapping in the garden since we began back in 2004. The highlight was a life moth for us in the form of a lovely Cypress Pug.

Conditions much warmer last night and we enjoyed over 100 individuals of 26 species. Although dominated by Light Brown Apple moths, Large Yellow Underwing and Brimstone, the session was enlivened by new for the year in the form of Spruce Carpet, Square-spot Rustic and a nice Pale Mottled Willow (first since 2008).

Other highlights: Emmelina monodactyla, Dusky Thorn, Light Emerald, Gothic, Copper Underwing, Angle Shades, Silver Y and Straw Dot.

Mike & Emma


This is the joint latest record for this species and surprisingly is only the 25th record for the county; the specimen I caught at Park Mill on 3rd Sept 1996 was at a time when I was recording the date I checked the trap rather than date I set it. Interestingly this specimen has two dots in the median band
44 species last night, the highlight being a Barred Hook-tip, only our second new species for the garden this year, although a serious lack of trapping since July might have something to do with it. Unsurprisingly Large Y.U. was the commonest species (87), followed by Lesser Y.U. (45), postvittana (18) and Flame Shoulder (10) the only other species making double figures. 1 ferrugalis and 2 Silver Y were the only migrants.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Parc slip.

                                    Acleris rhombana
                                   Firethorn leaf miner.
                                   Seems like a fresh emergence of micros the last few days,
                                   with several of the above and Epinotia tenerana and
                                   Celypha lacunana numerous also.