

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Kenfig, Friday night

A good night was had at Kenfig last night, and thanks to Chris & Paul for bringing traps. We've not compiled list between us yet, but by far the best moth of the evening was found by Emma Douglas before the lights went on, this lovely Antigastra catalunalis.


  1. Very nice. First this end of the county too, 4th VC41. What with Clifden Nonpareil and now a Spanish Dot. At least there are some good migrants about, but sadly not in Roath - yet!

  2. None up here either. I and two of the reserve volunteers, trapped at Cwm Taf Fechan last night and despite ideal conditions, trapped only 9 moths of seven species, plus three species in the larval stage found by searching. Nothing seen flying while driving home and a meagre GMS catch this morning. A little baffling!

  3. Except that the Clifden Nonpareil is a Red Underwing
