

Monday, 4 May 2015

Gowerton kitchen

This tiny thing, about 4-5 mm, was flying in the kitchen this morning. I managed to get a pic before it disappeared again but the nearest to an ID I can get would be Tuta absoluta, the tomato pest. Any thoughts anyone? If I see it again I'll try to keep it.
Query Tuta absoluta


  1. looks a very good bet to me - nice one Chris

  2. Thanks Barry. Haven't seen it again so far.

  3. Nice, we'll have to stick the trap in my Mum's garden one night if we get a chance!

  4. I would very much like that for the national collection if you do see it again!

  5. Having discussed this with Chris and Steve Palmer (National Gelechiid Recording Scheme), and thanks to the great photography, we are all happy that it is Tuta absoluta, the first for the county, although not the first for Wales sadly.

    If anyone else catches something like this please bear in mind that there is a similar species (Scrobipalpa atriplicella), so take great care before claiming it. I'd also still like one for the National collection in Cardiff!

    I'm off to Sainsbury's to stock up on vine tomoatoes....

  6. Thanks for everyone's time, trouble and interest. Nice to be able to add to the Glamorgan fauna.
