

Friday, 22 May 2015

Nicholaston Wednesday 20th

Veronica and I ran 2 mv and 1 actinic traps until about 1am and recorded 49 species with some nice surprises. Best were probably 2 Little Thorn, Barred Hook-tip, Maiden's Blush, 2 Dwarf Pug, Blomer's Rivulet, 3 Clay Triple-lines, with commonest being 40 Pale Tussock and 25 Marbled Brown. Also 2 of what I think is a weakly marked form of White-spotted Pug. An Emperor laid eggs on an egg box (of course, where else?) inside one trap.

Nematopogon metaxella

Capua vulgana male

Ancylis mitterbacheriana

Barred Hook-tip

White-spotted Pug

Little Thorn
Maiden's Blush


  1. Stunning photos Chris, especially the mitterbacheriana.

    I think that's a Common Pug. Looks too brown for White-spotted.

  2. Sounds like a great night - sorry I was not able to join you
