

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Alun Valley trapping - Thursday evening

There will be a moth night for the South Wales branch of BC on Thursday night. Anyone from the GMRG would also be welcome to attend. Details below:

"We will be moth trapping in the Alun Valley on Thursday night (16th July) as part of the open week organised by the South Wales Branch. All are welcome to attend. There will be several light traps operating for a few hours from dusk onwards. This is the peak season for moths so with favourable weather there should be a good diversity of species on display. We will be meeting at 9pm at SS913762 - opposite gated entrance to track onto site on the minor road which runs between Ewenny shop and Wick (As you proceed up the steep hill from Ewenny shop, bear slightly right at minor crossroads by Beechcourt Farm, heading in cutting between verges, then as road opens out, you'll see a group of Scots Pine trees on your left, close to hilltop - If you arrive later, gate will be open until 10pm, after which it is locked for security. Bring warm clothing and a torch. As this event is weather dependant keep an eye on this page on the day just in case we have to cancel."



  1. Weather permitting I will be there George.

  2. Excellent, lets hope the rain holds off...

  3. I can't make it I'm afraid - hope you have a good night!

  4. Damn... something has crpped up at work which means that I won't be able to make it tonight worst luck, have a good time all.

  5. That's a shame...conditions look ideal.
