

Friday, 24 July 2015

Creigiau - Tuesday night

Another good haul in the midweek trap. 50 identified species of which 14 were new for the year and two of these were new for me ( Euzophera pinguis and Small Emerald ). Some really nice looking moths, although the Yellow-tail would only settle while taking a nap!

Black Arches

Euzophera pinguis  ?
Evergestis pallidata
Slender Brindle
Small Emerald
Knot Grass


  1. Howard, all your garden records will be very valuable for the national moth atlas due out in 2018. As Dave has probably mentioned, ST08 was one of the least well recorded squares in the county, but you're bound to have added a lot to the total already - and hopefully many more to come.

  2. Howard enters his records into SEWBReCORD - I will import them into MapMate in due course!
