

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Gowerton Wednesday morning

Minimum overnight temperature of 22.7 so I got up before 5 to see what was around the trap before it all disappeared. Best of the morning were on the wall which were Scarlet Tiger, first I've seen in Wales but disappeared instantly, and Sloe Pug, which I'd never seen at all until last week and now here's another! Also a very striking Mottled Beauty but no migrants. One tortrix I can't do so any thoughts?
Sorry, captions facility not available this morning!


  1. I`ve had quite a few sloe pugs W of Llanelli this year - whereas before it was rare. It must be having a good time!

  2. Cheers Ian. Many thanks Barry. I can see it now but didn't recognise it from the book as it's very different from that one which is the only other one I've seen.
