

Monday, 6 July 2015

Lanlay Meadows, Saturday night

Mark Evans, Mike Thornton and I had a surprisingly productive session at Lanlay Meadows on Saturday evening. I say surprising because the skies cleared at dusk, the wind dropped to nothing and the temperature at Mark's trap out in the meadow dropped to 6.7C! It was a couple of degrees warmer at my trap by a thick hedge, but chilly nevertheless. In light of this, our combined catch of around 80 species seemed rather impressive. The moths continued flying even as the mercury plummeted.

The highlight was the second East Glamorgan record of the distinctive gelechiid Argolamprotes micella.

One of two Argolamprotes micella
Other noteworthy species included Brown Tail, Brussels Lace, Sharp-angled Carpet (2) and Hedya ochroleucana.
Brown Tail
Sharp-angled Carpet


  1. Thanks for the opportunity to trap there, George. You and Mike were good company, too.

  2. I also had A.micella at Parc Slip last week
