

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Creigiau - Tuesday night

A normal catch for my garden with 78 moths in/around the trap. Like everybody else, the night was dominated by Large Yellow Underwing with 23, and the balance was made up of 33 other species. A rather nice Catoptria pinella was the highlight, being a new moth for me, with Common Carpet, Dusky Thorn and Cydia splendana making their first visits of the year.

Catoptria pinella
Could this moth be Confused (which would be new for me) or am I?

A moth trapped on 01 August has been puzzling me as I couldn't get the little beast to sit open winged. I have now discovered that Dingy Shell doesn't ... ! Another new moth for the garden and me.

Dingy Shell


  1. Howard you're not the first to be Confused by a Cabbage ;-)

  2. Thanks Barry, cracking play on words. My wife is already quoting it to friends and family.

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