

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Parc Slip

I trapped here on tuesday night and had about over 110 moths of 60 species in total with dingy footman making up most of the total. New macros for the year were August Thorn, Pebble Hook-tip, Chevron and Ruby Tiger. 
As far as micros go i had a few new for the year including this Catoptria pinella(?) which if confirmed is the first time i've had the species at Parc Slip:
Other new micros for the year included Dusky Plume, Cydia splendana, Mirificarma mulinella, the snappily-named Paraswammerdamia nebulella and the two below which i'm not sure of:
Argyresthia dilectella?

Can't find it even though it's quite distinctive...


  1. The Gelechiid is probably Eulamprotes atrella. You are probably correct with the Argyresthia, although it's quite worn.
