

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Creigiau 26 September

Not very promising conditions but put the box out for GMS - temperature dropped to 3.5C ! Four moths in/on the box - Angle Shades, Dusky Thorn, Lesser Yellow Underwing and Light Emerald.

During the morning a moth emerged from its pupa. I found the caterpillar on the window back in May and it disappeared into the soil in June. Towards the end of July a pupa appeared on the surface of the soil and there it remained undisturbed until Sunday morning when a Large Ranunculus appeared. A pleasant surprise as, after all that time on the surface, I wasn't expecting anything to emerge.


  1. Very nice Howard. A few years ago I reared a caterpillar found on Aquilegia in my Cardiff garden, which turned out to be this species.

  2. Thanks George. I've done quite well this year, having managed to rear Common Emerald & Gothic. In addition, a Buff-tip caterpillar went into the soil in August (I'll probably have to wait until Spring for that one) and another caterpillar found on the wall at the end of September has just pupated - don't know what that one is.
