

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Parc Slip

I trapped at Parc Slip on friday night and the temperature stayed above 13 so consequently I had the best trap of the year so far. Over 30 species with plenty new for 2016 including least black arches (first ever here), water carpet (second ever here), chocolate tip, peach blossom, iron prominent, v-pug, flame shoulder, female pale tussock, common carpet, scorched wing, Digitivalva pulicariae and Epinotia immundana.

There were also a few micros I need help with:
1. Agonopterix alstromeriana?

2. AGonopterix heracliana/ciliella?

3. Bactra lancealana?

4. Depressaria daucella?

5. Depressaria daucella?

6. Gelechid

7. ?


  1. Agree with 1,2,4,5.

    3 looks slender and well marked - could be B. furfurana. What do others think?

    6 looks like a Bryotropha and 7 is probably Elachista canapennella (male).

  2. Thanks again George - I'll wait to see what others think of the Bactra...

  3. The Bactra is prob Lancealana, i think dissection is needed to prove Furfurana?
