

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Llandaff - Wednesday evening.

Another rather cool night so was in two minds about even running the garden trap. It was a very poor catch sadly. The Diamond Backs were out but in smaller numbers, 38 in the trap others dotted around outside. A Swallow Prominent, a dozen or so Common Marbled Carpet, Clouded Silver, Light Emerald, Heart and Dart's and few Ingrailed clay's.

However, a couple of interesting and both new to the garden, if identification is correct.

A Marbled White Spot and the other looks similar to a few species so I've upped contrast a tad as the markings were very faint. I'm plumping for Seraphim or Twin Spot Carpet. No doubt I will be heading back to the opticians for a refund.

I'll do my best to run the trap over the next few days for NMM.



  1. I think that looks good for Seraphim - never had it here in Llandaff North.

  2. Cheers for the confirmation GMT. All the best for the next few days of NMN.
