

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Creigiau last week

Put the box lights in the window on Wednesday night, having only got 7 moths in the box on the previous night,. Switched off when the temperature started falling after midnight, but collected 43 moths of 33 species, including 8 new for year - Gothic, Crambus pascuella (I think), July Highflyer, Large Emerald, Poplar Grey, Pretty Chalk Carpet, Small Fan-footed Wave & Small Rivulet.

Crambus pascuella ?

The temperature stayed around 16C all night on Saturday and I collected 114 moths of 43 species, 5 of which were new for the year. The catch contained 3 Barred Straw, last seen in the garden in June 2014.

and one that I'm not sure of - could this be Calamotropha paludella? There were 2 of these in the box.


  1. Looks like C paludella to me Howard. I get it from time to time in my coastal Carms traps.

    1. Thanks Ian. That makes it a new moth for the garden and me.
